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Helient Systems :

Written by Rudy Diaz | Jul 24, 2019 9:55:33 AM

by Rodolfo T. Diaz
Managed Services System Administrator

Helient Systems recently was in attendance at the inaugural LogicMonitor LevelUp conference in rockin’ Austin, TX. LevelUp was a two day event consisting of hands-on product training and expert-led breakout sessions. The conference provided opportunities to network with industry peers and LogicMonitor engineers exploring new methods of increasing platform efficiency and future-proofing Helient’s ability to deliver exemplary customer support.

One breakout session in specific titled “Leverage Dashboards to Realize Business Value.” peaked interest. Dashboards are an integral part of Helient’s LogicMonitor workflow. Various questions were posed such as: “How should dashboards be used for maximum business value?”, “How can they be used more efficiently?”, and “What are some tips, tricks, and specific examples of diverse dashboard configurations?” A separate but similar keynote speech was conducted by the Head of IT at Ted Baker, Stuart Carrison. Ted Baker is a British luxury clothing retailer, and constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. Carrison explained that his organization is highly invested in LogicMonitor, and how the operation is able to leverage the platform’s flexibility to maximize each department’s time. From the shipping floor to the desks of executives, LogicMonitor supplies all members of the organization with the information they need to make the decision of either closing a store early during a slow day or preparing for Black Friday, for example.

Another interesting session called “Integrating acquisitions and hybrid environments” outlined best practices for an MSPs, including a systematic approach for organizing the LogicMonitor resources tree, and how to keep alert routing flexible in order to keep the platform standardized and manageable across teams. One key take away from this session was that active participation from the client, ensures a cohesive and productive relationship between customer and MSP. This also ensures that the customer is both engaged and interested in maintaining an up to date platform. Once the customer gives LogicMonitor access to monitor all entities within their environment, trouble tickets start to drop and false alerts are much less frequent.

The second day revolved heavily around what has become one of the hottest phrases in IT, artificial intelligence. The speaker shared a personal anecdote in which he explained that his family was not very well of financially during his childhood, meaning that medicine was often a difficult expense to cover. His grandmother imparted great wisdom when she explained that prevention is the best medicine. This notion ties into what I believe is LogicMonitor’s largest selling point, which includes identifying, collecting, and presenting engineers with the most pressing information that can be gleaned from an environment, which can then be conveyed to the client in an understandable and succinct package. For example, consider a server that LogicMonitor reports as using only 20% of its monthly allocation. Armed with this information, an engineer is able to convey this information to their superior, which could translate into thousands of dollars in savings, in comparison to an overly provisioned server. The same could be said for an under provisioned server running at 99% utilization, which could cause users to have a slow or unresponsive experience. LogicMonitor provides all of this information at the glance of a dashboard, and empowers the engineer to make the appropriate course corrections to provide both end users, as well as MSPs with the best possible experience.

The LevelUp Conference was a great experience, as it allows us to speak directly with the engineers, customer support technicians, and account managers of a product that Helient uses extensively on a daily basis.  During the conference you realize the potential that LogicMonitor has to offer for both the Helient team, as well as our customers. Great ideas were shared with other attendees that may not directly fit our current model but the flexibility, visibility and velocity that LogicMonitor has to offer, could provide your business with exactly what it needs.

LogicMonitor is an integral part to Helient’s Professional and Managed Service offerings, allowing our engineers to obtain incredible visibility into a client’s network. For more information and to understand how LogicMonitor and Helient can help your organization, please contact service@Helient.com.