Helient Blog

Helient Systems :

Written by Will Fulmer | Jul 11, 2018 12:25:43 PM

by Will Fulmer
Chief Operating Officer

Duo Security is an organization that offers a cloud-based two-factor authentication solution that provides a flexible and secure solution, while offering a friendly and simple to use end user interface. Duo can integrate with many appliances, platforms, websites, and SaaS Solutions. In addition to a user’s password, the second form of authentication can be in the form of a user’s smartphone, desk phone or security tokens.

Duo will commonly integrate with on-premises Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS) architectures as the most popular solution for authentication. With more organizations adopting a presence within Office 365 and Microsoft Azure, Azure Active Directory (AD) is gaining popularity as an Identity Provider (IdP). While Azure AD provides a cloud-forward, location independent solution as an IdP, integration points for conditional access always came with a cost. In order to leverage Microsoft Azure AD in conjunction with Conditional Access, an Azure AD Premium P2 license was required – at the cost of $9 per user, per month.

As of this posting, Microsoft is now including third-party Multi-Factor Authentication integrations with Conditional Access as part of the Microsoft Azure AD Premium P1 license tier.

Moving this option into the P1 licensing tier should attract more organizations, at a more reasonable price point, to continue to adopt Microsoft Azure AD and securing it with 2FA.

Please read these links for more information and do not hesitate to contact Helient Service if we can provide assistance with an ADFS, Azure AD or Duo implementation!



Helient is a proud Duo Security Solution Providers https://duo.com/partners/security-solution-providers